Hepatobiliary & Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon


Mr Banting completed his undergraduate medical training at the University of Melbourne with honours in 1981. He then underwent post graduate surgical training based at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. This culminated in being awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1990.

He then became the inaugural Follow in HPB surgery for an 18 month period under the tutelage of Mr Ivo Vellar. This was followed by two year advanced surgical training in Scotland, where he worked as the Senior Registrar for Professor Alf Cuschieri gaining experience in advanced laparoscopic surgery and upper gastrointestinal surgery. Mr Banting then went to Edinburgh, where he worked as a senior Registrar for Professor David Carter and Professor James Garden, this involved experience in hepatobiliary surgery, liver transplantation and endoscopic practice in ERCP – Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography.

In 1993 he returned to Melbourne and has since worked in the HPB/UGI service at St Vincent’s Hospital along with liver transplantation at the Austin Hospital; at Box Hill Hospital as a Visiting Medical Officer and more recently at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.


Simon Banting is Head of Surgery and Director of Hepatobiliary and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. He is also a consultant surgeon at Box Hill Hospital and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Melbourne.

His clinical areas of interest include:

  • Liver, biliary and pancreatic surgery including ERCP
  • Upper Gastrointestinal surgery
  • Cancer surgery


  • 2017 Current – Head of Surgery St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne
    September 1993 – Surgeon to the Hepatobiliary Surgical Unit, St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne
  • June 1995 – Senior Surgeon, Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne
  • February 1995 – July 1997 Lecturer University Department of Surgery, Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre (including attachment to The Victorian Liver Transplant Unit)
  • July 1997 – January 1999 Senior Lecturer in the University of Melbourne Department of Surgery, Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre
  • January 1999 – Honorary Surgeon, Liver Transplant Unit, Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre 2003 – Reviewer ANZ Journal of Surgery.
  • May 2004 – Member of the Management Committee of ESPAC III trial for the management of pancreatic cancer.
  • August 2004 – 2008 Co-director Cancer Services St Vincents Health. Multidisciplinary clinic in each of the tumour groups of the WCMICS.
  • July 2005 – Member of management advisory committee, Western and Metropolitan Integrated Cancer Services, Melbourne.
  • May 2006 – Examiner, Part II Fellowship, Royal Australian College of Surgeons.
  • June 2007 – Surgeon to Department of Surgical Oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute
  • June 2008 – Member of Medical Advisory Committee of medical indemnity insurance company Invivo.
  • February 2008 – Member of executive of Australian and New Zealand Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association.
  • 2010 – Current – Director of Hepatobiliary/Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne.


Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)
International Hepatopancreaticobiliary Association (IHPBA)
Australian and New Zealand Hepatopancreaticobiliary Association (ANZHPBA)


Executive of Australian and New Zealand Hepatopancreaticobiliary Association

Member of Court of Examiners in General Surgery of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Member of Upper G/I section of RACS

Member of Medical Advisory Board of Invivo Medical Indemnity Insurance Company


October 1987 Pancreatic Cancer A five year review. Is Surgery Warranted? Surgical Forum, St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne

November 1988 Hydatid Disease. St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne R.A.C.S. Advanced Trainees Weekend Seminar

October 1989 Colorectal Surgery Does Benign Disease Present the Most of them Difficulty? R.A.C.S. Country Scientific Meeting, Wangaratta

March 1990 Pancreatic Trauma. Update in Gallstone Lithotripsy and Pancreatic Disease St Vincents Hospital Melbourne

August 1990 Lithotripsy of Gall Bladder Stones. The Initial Australia Experience Using the Dornier MPL 9000 I.Vellar, P.Desmond, C.Styles, C.Pritchard, S.Banting Poster at World Congress of Gastroenterology, Sydney

May 1991 The Left Hepatic Duct for Bypass of Proximal Bile Duct Obstruction M.Henderson, D.Vellar, S.Banting, I.Vellar Poster at R.A.C.S. General Scientific Meeting, Sydney

July 1991 Pig Bel But No Pig: Enteritis Necroticans Acquired in Australia A.Watson, S.Banting, J.Mackay, M.Merritt Medical Journal of Australia 1991 Jul 1; 155 (1) : 47 50

February 1992 Endoscopic Oesophagectomy Through a Right Thorascopic Approach A.Cuschieri, S.Shimi, S.Banting J.R. Coll. Surg. Edin. 37, 7 – 11

April 1992 Laparoscopy in the Management of Pancreatic Cancer: Endoscopic Cholecystjejunostomy for Advanced Disease S.Shimi, S.Banting, A.Cuschieri British Journal of Surgery 79, 317 9

September 1992 Transcystic Drainage After Laparoscopic Exploration of the Common Bile Duct S.Shimi, S.Banting, A.Cuschieri Minimally Invasive Therapy 1, 273 6

December 1992 Technical Aspects of Laparoscopic Splenectomy: Hilar Segmental Devascularization & Instrumentation A.Cuschieri, S.Shimi, S.Banting, G.Van der Velpen J.R. Coll. Surg. Edin. 37, 414 6

January 1993 Abdominal Wall Lift. Low Pressure Pneumoperitoneum Laparoscopic Surgery S.Banting, S.Shimi, G.Van der Velpen, A.Cuschieri Surgical Endoscopy (1993) 7: 57 9

January 1993 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Combined with Litholytic Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Symptomatic Gall Stones The Melbourne Experience I.Vellar, P.Desmond, C.Pritchard, S.Banting, K.Salomon, D.Vellar, M.Henderson Medical Journal of Australia 1993 Jan 18 ; 158(2) : 94 7

May 1993 Endoscopic Ultrasonic Dissection for Thorascopic and Laparoscopic Surgery A.Cuschieri, S.Shimi, S.Banting, G Van der Velpen Surgical Endoscopy. (1993) 7: 1997 9

January 1994 Laparoscopic Prothesis Fixation Rectopexy for Complete Rectal Prolapse A.Cuschieri, S.Shimi, G.Van der Velpen, S.Banting, R.A.B.Wood British Journal of Surgery 1994, 81(1) : 138 9

April 1994 Intraoperative Cholangiography During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Routine vs Selective Policy A.Cuschieri, S.Shimi, S.Banting, L.K.Nathanson, A.PietrabissaSurgical Endoscopy (1994) 8(4) : 302 5

October 1994 Preliminary experience with intracorporeal laparoscopic ultrasonography using a sector scanning probe. A prospective comparison with intra-operative cholangiography in the detection of choledocholithiasis. John TG, Banting SW, Pye S, Paterson-Brown S, Garden OJ. Surg Endoscopy 1994 Oct 8(10) 1176-1180.

November 1994 Segment III Cholangiojejunostomy for Palliation of Malignant Hilar Obstruction C.M.Guthrie, S.Banting, O.J.Garden, D.C.Carter British Journal of Surgery 1994, 81 : 1639

May 1995 The Left Hepatic Ductal Anatomy Reappraised S.Banting, I.Vellar, D.Vellar, M.Henderson R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Conference, Perth

May 1996 Pancreatic Injury. Resection, Internal or External Drainage S.Banting R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Conference, Melbourne

September 1996 Cystadenoma / Cystadenocarcinoma of the Liver & Biliary Tree S.Banting Australia Gastroenterology Week, Adelaide

April 1997 Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma S.Banting Hepatology in Hobart, G/E Society of Australia

April 1997 Hernia Repair in the Patient with Liver Disease S.Banting Hepatology in Hobart, G/E Society of Australia

October 1997 Open Surgical Procedures for Hydatid Disease Australian Gastroenterology Week, Brisbane

May 1998 Thorascopic Sympathectomy M.A.Fink, D.Vellar, S.Banting Annual Scientific Congress, R.A.C.S. Sydney

May 1998 Reconstruction Following Bile Duct Injury M.A.Fink, S.Banting, I.Vellar, D.Vellar Annual Scientific Congress, R.A.C.S Sydney

May 1998 Pancreatic Trauma W.Fleming, N.Collier, S.Banting Third I.H.P.B.A. Meeting, Madrid

July 1998 The Anatomical Basis for Segment III Cholangiojejunostomy with Analysis of Thirteen Cases I.Vellar, S.Banting, K.J.Hardy Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery 1998 68, 498 503

May 1999 Pancreatic Trauma: Universities of Melbourne HPB Group W.Fleming, N.Collier, S.Banting Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery (1998) 69, 357 62

November 1999 Stenting of the Severely Stenotic Coeliac Axis in the Management of Pancreatic and Biliary Fistulae Following Pancreatico-Duodenectomy I.Vellar, S.Banting, P.Mossop Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery 1999 69, 823 5

November 1999 Imaging of the Normal and Abnormal Pancreatico-Biliary System with Single-Shot MR Cholangiopancreatography: A Pictorial Review A.F.Little, P.J.Smith, W.K.Lee, O.F.Hennessy, P.Desmond, S.Banting, M.E.Lourensz Australian Radiology (1999) 43, 427 34

October 2000 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy The Evolution of a Technique S.Banting R.A.C.S. Country Scientific Meeting, Shepparton

May 2001 The Laparoscopic Lateral Transperitoneal Approach to the Adrenal Gland S.Banting, F.Incani, S.Farrell, S.Mackay R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Canberra

2002 Prospective Assessment of Magnetic Resonance Cholangio-pancreatography for non-invasive Imaging of the Biliary Tree. A.Taylor, A. Little. O. Hennessy, S. Banting, P. Smith, P. Desmond. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2002; 55:17-22

April 2003 Recognition and management of biliary complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy B.N.J. Thomson, M.J. Cullinan, S.W. Banting and N.A. Collier, on behalf of the Universities of Melbourne Hepatobiliary Group Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery (2003) 73, 183 – 188

May 2003 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: An evolution of technique C.A. Moulton, S.W. Banting R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane

April 2004 A Comparison of Open and Laparoscopic Approaches to Adrenalectomy in Patients with Phaeochromocytoma. M.J. Davies, D.P. McGlade, S. W Banting Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol 32, No 2; 224-229

May 2004 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy in the Treatment of Phaeochromocytoma. B.N.J. Thomson, C-A Moulton, M. J. Davies, S. W. Banting. R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Melbourne

May 2004 The Leaking Pancreatic Anastomosis. S.W. Banting R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Melbourne

June 2004 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for Phaeochromocytoma; with caution. B.N.J. Thomson, C-A Moulton, M. Davies and S.W. Banting ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2004; 74: 429 433.

July 2004 Modern Management of Splenic Injury R. Finch and S. W. Banting Editorial Commentary ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2004; 74 : 513

August 2004 Endoscopic Palliation of Pancreatic Cancer University of Melbourne, Annual Course in Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery.

June 2005 Percutaneous cholecystostomy in the management of acute cholecystitis. Teoh WM, Cade RJ, Banting SW, Mackay S, Hassen AS. ANZ J Surg 2005 June, 75(6) 396-398.

September 2005 Mirizzis Syndrome University of Melbourne, Annual course in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic surgery.

October 2005 Pre-operative Drainage of Biliary Obstruction Pros and cons. Australian Gastroenterology Week, Brisbane.

March 2006 Current Management of Pancreatic Cancer B.N.J. Thomson, S. W Banting. Australian Family Physician. 2006 Apr; 35(4) 212-7. Review

May 2006 Peri-ampullary Adenomas Is local resection appropriate? RACS Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney.

Sept 2006 Pheochromocytoma in Pregnancy. S. Godski, C. Jury, P. Kertes, M Davies and S. Banting Internal Medicine Journal 36 2006 604-606

October 2006 Pancreatic Pseudocysts in Acute Pancreatitis Investigation and Management. Benign Disorders of the Pancreas. University of Melbourne, Department of Surgery, Austin Hospital Melbourne.

October 2006 Component Separation in the repair of a Giant Inguinoscrotal Hernia. E.W. Ek, E. T. Ek, R. Bingham, J. Wilson, B. Mooney, J. Burt, S. W. Banting. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2006 76: 950 952.

November 2006 Extranodal Marginal Zone B-cell Lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) of the Gallbladder. S.K. Ng, S. Parsons, K. Epari, A. Wei, S.W. Banting, V. Postin Annual General Scientific and Fellowship Meeting, Healesville.

October 2007 Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery. Annual Meeting of Royal Australasian College of Radiologists, Melbourne.

April 2008 Diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration. Wilson I, Kaled A, Prasad S, Cade R, Thomson B, Banting S, Mackay S, Desmond PV, Chen RY. Inter Med J 2008. April 16 (Epub).

May 2008 Approach to the Gallbladder Polyp. Annual Scientific Conference, RACS, Hong Kong.

May 2008 Role of Minimally Invasive Techniques in Hepatobiliary Trauma. Annual Scientific Conference, RACS, Hong Kong.

July 2008 Endoscopic Management of recurrent primary bile duct stones. Kohn GP, Hassen AS, Banting SW, Mackay S, Cade RJ. ANZ J Surg 2008. July; 78(7):579-82.

July 2008 Guidelines for the management of bile duct stones. Cade RJ, Banting S, Hassen SA, Mackay S. ANZ J Surg 2008. July; 78(7):530.

September 2008 Approach to Acute Cholangitis. University of Melbourne, Dept of Surgery, Austin Hospital, annual course in HPB surgery, Melbourne (Inflammatory disorders of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas.).

November 2008 Morbid Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery General Practice Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne.


August 1986 – Gastrointestinal Stapling Workshop. St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne

August 1986 – Update in Adult Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery. St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne

September 1986 – Whats New in the World of Colon & Rectal Surgery. R.A.C.S., Melbourne

May 1987 – R.A.C.S. General Scientific Meeting, Perth

March 1988 – Breast Cancer: An Update on Current Management. St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne

July 1988 – Summer Surgical Forum. St Marys Hospital, Hong Kong

August 1988 – Update in Surgical Gastroenterology. The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne

November 1988 – Crohns Disease. Combined St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne / Sydney Colorectal Meeting

March 1989- Update in Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery. St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne

October 1989 – R.A.C.S. State Scientific Meeting, Wangaratta

March 1990 – Update in Gall Stone Lithotripsy and Pancreatic Disease. St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne

September 1990 – Seminar on Percutaneous Cholecystectomy. Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre, Melbourne

March 1991 – Breast Disease Current Management. St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne

May 1991 – R.A.C.S. General Scientific Meeting, Sydney

January 1992 – Surgical Research Society. Royal College of Surgeons, London

June 1992 – The 4th World Congress of HPB Surgery, Hong Kong

August 1993 – International Surgical Week, Hong Kong

May 1994 – R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart

June 1994 – Inaugural International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Meeting, Boston

May 1995 – R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne

April 1996 – Australian & New Zealand Transplant Society Meeting, Canberra

May 1996 – R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne

June 1996 – International HPB Association, Bologna

May 1997 – R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane

May 1998 – R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Sydney

May 1988 – Third I.H.P.B.A. Meeting, Madrid

August 1998 – Minimally Invasive and Laparoscopic Surgery, Gold Coast

October 1998 – Australia Gastroenterology Week, Canberra

May 2000 – R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Melbourne

May 2000 – Fourth I.H.P.B.A. Meeting, Brisbane

October 2000Australia Gastroenterology Week, Hobart

May 2003 – R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane

May 2003 – Pacific Islands Project : Fiji Training course in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.

May 2004 – R.A.C.S. Annual Scientific Congress, Melbourne

June 2004 – 6th World Congress of I.H.P.B.A., Washington D.C.

August 2004 – Pancreas Symposium Melbourne (Paper Presented: Endoscopic Palliation of Pancreatic Cancer)

September 2004 – AGITG Sanctuary Cove, Queensland

December 2004 – Lap-Band System Workshop Prof. O’Brien Melbourne

September 2005 – Annual course in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery ) Melbourne VIC. (paper presented Mirizzis Syndrome)

October 2005 – Australian Gastroenterology Week, Brisbane QLD (Paper Presented: Pre-operative drainage of biliary obstruction: Pros and Cons)

May 2006 RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Sydney NSW

Sept 2006 – International HepatoPancreatoBiliary Association. Edinburgh,Scotland.

October 2006 – Annual course in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, University Dept Of Surgery, Austin Hospital, Melbourne.
(Paper presented: Pancreatic Pseudocysts in Acute Pancreatitis – Investigation and Management.)

October 2007 – RACS Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne.

May 2008 – RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Hong Kong.

September 2008 – University of Melbourne Annual Scientific Course in HPB Surgery. Inflammatory disorders of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas.

October 2008 – Surgical conditions of the liver: Assessment, management and outcomes. Coolum, Queensland, Australia.

November 2008 – Morbid Obesity. General Practice Conference and Exhibition.