Cancer in Crohns Disease.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Meeting
Cleveland Clinic, 2001
Turnbull Cutait Procedure.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Meeting
Cleveland Clinic, 2001
Anastomotic stricture after anterior proctosigmoidectomy: Incidence, management and functional outcome. Podium presentation.
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery Annual Meeting
Chicago, June, 2002
Anastomotic stricture after anterior proctosigmoidectomy: Incidence, management and functional outcome. Podium presentation.
Tripartite Colorectal Meeting
Melbourne, 2002
The extent of mesorectal invasion is a prognostic indicator in T3 rectal cancer.
Free paper presentation. RACS Annual scientific congress.
Canberra. 2001.
Pre operative combined modality therapy does not impair short term sphincter function. Free paper presentation.
RACS Annual scientific congress.
Canberra. 2001.
Abdominal Wall Lift for Cholecystectomy.
Scientific Poster. RACS. ASC.
Sydney 1998.
Brachiobasilic Arteriovenous Fistulae. 2 year results.
Presented Ballarat Base Hospital
Ballarat 1998.
Gastrointestinal Effects of NSAIDS.
Registrars Meeting 1996.
Management of Major Burns.
RACS Registrar Training Session 1998.
Adjuvant Therapy for Oesophageal Carcinoma.
Gastroenterology Meeting
RMH 1998.
Overview of Hernias.
Registrar Training Session
RMH 1998.
Burns Management.
Trauma Meeting
RMH 1998.
Malignant Melanoma.
Surgical Forum
Ballarat Base Hospital 1997.
Gastroesophageal Reflux – Investigation and Management.
Surgical Forum
Ballarat Base Hospital 1997.
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome.
Trauma Meeting
RMH 1997.
Castleman’s Disease – Case Report and Literature Review.
Ballarat Base Hospital.
Liver and Pancreatic Trauma.
Surgical Meeting 1996.
Colorectal Resections – Audit of 2 years.
Horsham CME Meeting 1995.
Adjuvant Therapy for Colon and Rectal Cancer.
Horsham CME Meeting 1995.
Small Bowel Strictures.
Horsham CME Meeting 1995.
Gastrointestinal Duplications.
Surgical Pathology Meeting
Royal Childrens Hospital 1993
Tunica Vaginalis Abscess.
Surgical Pathology Meeting
Royal Childrens Hospital 1993